Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Members of the Twilight Family for 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'!

Hey Everyone!
Even though they are almost done filming, I would like to tell you our newest 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' actors/actresses. 

Julia Jones will be playing Leah Clearwater.

Boo Boo Stewart will be playing Seth Clearwater

Xavier Samuels will be playing Riley.


Catalina Sandino Moreno will be playing Maria



Kirsten Prout will be playing Lucy.

Jodelle Ferland will be playing Bree.


Jack Houston will be playing Royce King II

(Ok, so I know this isn’t a good photo of him, he’s the guy picking up Rosalie. None of his photos that don’t show him as Royce are pretty bad, so I just chose this) 

If you have any questions on who these people or there characters are (which you should know who the characters are:-)) feel free to post comments and I will answer as soon as possible. 

     None of these photos except for Jack Houston's are from the Eclipse Set. THOUGH, Xavier Samuels's photo and Boo Boo Stewart's photos are from them walking around Vancouver while they are for filming. 

~LaPush Boys~

Twilight Videos on this Page!

Hey all!

About the Videos on this Page....
All the Trailers for the Movies are at the bottom of this for instance, there is the FINAL Twilight Trailer from last year, even though this blog is starting during all the 'NEW MOON' hype, wethought you might want a trip down memory lane. lol :-). Then for the other trailers we have:

  • The First EVER Official 'New Moon' Trailer (The Teaser Trailer)
  • The 14 Second Preview of a more Jacob Related Trailer for 'New Moon'
  • The Official 'New Moon' Trailer that premiered before the movie 'Bandslam
  • The FINAL Official 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon' Trailer that premiered September 2009 at the VMA's.
Then on the side of the page we have the Exclusive 'New Moon' Clips that are out so far, and when new ones come out, we will post it, and change this post to add it.
The Exclusive 'New Moon' Clips we have:

  • FROM COMIC-CON 2009 from "THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON"-- A short clip from the scene where Alice Cullen (played by Ashley Greene) and Bella Swan (played by Kristen Stewart), are running through Volterra, Italy to save Edward Cullen (played by Robert Pattinson). (By the way this scene it FANTASTIC!!! I LOVE IT!!!)
  • FROM COMIC-CON 2009 from "THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON"--A Short Clip with Bella Swan(played by Kristen Stewart) and Jacob Black(played by Taylor Lautner), when Bella first gets the motorcycle and learns how to ride it.But instead of like in... the book where she hears her love Edward Cullen(played by Robert Pattinson)'s voice, she sees an illusion of him(which is actually cooler than the book). AND I found this on Youtube so none of those  voices are mine (or the end thing). :-)
  • Exclusive 'New Moon' Clip: Bella slaps Paul. Bella slaps Jacob's fellow werewolf, Paul.
  • A NEW 'New Moon' Short Trailer. (Yeah, I know it's a trailer, but it's like a short clip, so I put it there, but it's darn awesome! And yes, the part with Jacob, Edward, AND Bella is the Epilogue Scene in the book).
  • A NEW Exclusive 'New Moon' Clip: 'New Moon' Volturi Fight Scene. 
Ok, and love them as much as we do!
We'll post as soon as we can!

~LaPush Boys~